A question was asked about Patio Concrete. Neither the management company or board members knew who was responsible. I guess after being on the board for 10+ years, one should know. This, like many other items was addressed by the president by saying "we have not paid for these in the past".
No efforts will be put into this. When we won the court case, it fundamentally exposed the board members lack of knowledge when it comes to the covenants. You should all hear this loud and clear "READ THE COVENANTS"! You are not there to change the rules on the fly. I will be the first to praise competant board members who have a passion for what is right.
We got to my part of the agenda. What fun. They discussed the fact that the lawyers were experts in the area of town house associations. Since they got their butts kicked in court, I took that as a complement. George was a little upset since it was him who pointed it out. He hates it when I'm right. Carol had previously told me in an email that "only items on the agenda" would be covered. However she went off into a tangent regarding emails to her from me and blog spots and blah blah blah. I simply told her that since these items were not on the agenda, we should not talk about them. See the same rules should apply to all parties.
Carol mentioned her loss in court. She is confused. She thinks that she was taken to court. Not so. Read the conclusion from the court analysis and it is clear that Riverview Third Association were sued. She may want people to believe that she was personally sued for some reason. Here is how the notice of judgement reads:
State of Minnesota
County of Anoka
Plaintiff Alan Williams
10744 Yellow Pine Street NW
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Riverview 3rd Town House Assn
C/O Carol Ebsen + New Concepts Management Group Inc c/o Terry Pratt
12285 Drake Street
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
You can download the truth here: Conclusion.pdfCounty of Anoka
Plaintiff Alan Williams
10744 Yellow Pine Street NW
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Riverview 3rd Town House Assn
C/O Carol Ebsen + New Concepts Management Group Inc c/o Terry Pratt
12285 Drake Street
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
downloaded covenants here: Declaration of Covenants.pdf
Carol mentioned that someone came out of court happy (that be me folks) and someone would come out not so happy (that be Carol folks). She said it was like a divorce. Yes, she really did say that. I'm not familiar with that so I can't comment.
Regarding another issue of a broken window in the meeting shed. I will note that Al chuckled and said from the side of his mouth "That was probably a renter" How irresponsible is that? I pointed a finger at him and said "You sir are the fundamental problem". He is predjudice against renters. This is what everything is about. I believe that they want rid of renters. I believe that their efforts to charge illegal fees was an effort to get rid of rentals. This person is serving you all. Way to go Al! Show your true colors. I love it.
They don't like this blog spot because it exposes them to the world. Something they don't want. I believe that the 3 people in the audience who told the board members how well they are doing, were planted. The president even handed a speech for one of them to read. How weak is that?
It's my opinion that if they operate outside the law, they are not doing a good job. When they operate with emotions and hatred for homeowners, they are not doing a good job.
They are going to wait until the last minute to decide if they will appeal the ruling. I have a bet. I bet they don't. I wish they would but there are too many items from the legal analysis which comes down like a hammer on their "rules". Well see.
There is an amazing amount of Community interest in this case. I do believe I have created history in Minnesota. Pretty soon, all townhome associations will be changing the "rules". Remember, the lawyers wrote the rules based on what other associations are doing (and a few magazine articles). Expose one, expose all.
A last note for management companies: You need to be up on the law. Your business needs to view situations with a keen eye. You need to put board members in place when they step out of line. Anyone with just a little sense could have seen this court case ending up as a ruling for the plaintiff. We tried as hard as we could to convey this to the board but we were belittled, screamed at and dismissed. If I was a management company (yes I have the capacity). I would fire Riverview Third and tell them to go elsewhere for help.
When it looked like I made too much sense, they told me I was out of order and asked me to leave. I would normally fight such a question but you know what? I was glad to leave. I can only take so much of their lack of ability to handle people. I believe them to be highly emotional and totally unprofessional.
Tally the cost?
Carol charges $250 for her day in court. Page 19 of the rules and regulations which were developed by Carol et al states "MEMBERS OF THE BOARD SERVE WITHOUT COMPENSATION"
I guess the rules don't apply to Carol. The management company needs to discuss this with Carol. There are NO receipts or justifications for $250.00. THIS WILL END UP IN COURT VERY SOON. Yes, this time it will be Carol in court on a personal basis. There will be no communication regarding this as requested by Carol. The summons will arrive. There will be court costs for this also. This time, I will be charging for my time and I CAN justify $58.00 per hour.
I don't mind charges for lunch, mileage and obvious costs. but $250 bucks? I think she spent 6 hours in court. That is about $42.00 per hour. (87 grand per year. Give me a break)
Lawyer fees for the "Document" $750.00
Court costs $120.00
Total $1120.00 paid for by home owners of which, I am one.
Next month should be very interesting. MY adjenda is full of effort for Riverview.
See yall soon
PS: I promise, if there is anything on this blog that is not the truth, I will remove it. I want to make sure that my core competence is honesty and integrity.