Dropping like flies?
One board member has resigned the post at RV3 due to decisions made by the board and another board member who has not been present for the last 3 months is most likely going to be removed.
New Members?
I would gladly serve on the board for RV3 on conditions that I am there to assist members and help define a better future for the members.
I would also gladly erase this web-log and start using it for the benefit of the RV3 association. With higher postage rates now at 42 cents per letter compared to 39 cents, the association has got to start wondering about better methods of information dissemination. I know that 3 cents is not a big deal, but with 148 homes, this borders on $5.00 extra cost to mail out 1 letter. Add this to 15 cents per copy for management paper charges and we are talking significant costs. Besides the lower cost for internet information, more can be transferred at zero cost.
We know that some people don't have internet connections, but we should also be aware that these people frequent the public libraries to use the computers and internet. Everyone has the ability to get the information. Everyone has the ability to drive costs down.
Board members need to understand that their vote can hold them liable in the event that the action or decision of the board is not legal. Take the case of the late charges. Our covenants DICTATE that members will be charged 3% per annum. Instead, we continue to charge at overwhelming rates which is actually against the law since it breaks the contract. The covenant contract is an agreement between the association and the home owner. Actions which oppose the covenant rule can be litigated in court. Board members who vote for items that are illegal, can be held liable in court. Voting "NO" to such action renders the board member harmless. Board members do not have liability insurance which would normally cover them for court action. Home owner associations are required by State law to carry liability insurance. Unfortunately, State law is simply a foot note for our board members.
Have a great Memorial Day!