Sunday, March 18, 2007

Join The Club

Interesting article on AOL. Most of the articles were comments from members and board members (mostly complaining) but this one was interesting. I wish we had this person managing RV3.

8. Iam an Association Manager of numerous associations. I find the comments made an every day common item in my trade. Owner to owner conflicts are exactly those owner to owner, not the Associations. It is imperative that each owner READ their governing documents as to what the Association can and cannot do...owner to owner issues should be resolved by the owners. If there is a dispute about Association responsible items then the Association needs to step in and resolve the issue. I find COMMUNICATING is the best medicine in resolving disputes. Owners in Associations believe the Board of Directors are the Landlord. They are not landlords. They are a duly elected volunteer serving on a board of directors for a CORPORATION. They have a fiducary responsibilty to the Association (Corporation). I find alot of complaints about the Association being directed to the Board members. But, when the Association needs the owners participation (Annual Meeting time; the need of committee members, etc.) for owners to fill vacant seats on the board your cant fine one. Empathy is a huge problem within Associations. An Association is only what the MEMBERS make of it. Overall, I love my job and my Associations. Yes, board members get fustrated and want to take inappropriate actions right away. This is a knee jerk reaction. Managers need to be on top of those fustrations and knee jerk reactions and guide the Board through the resolution process as with the members. Great topic, glad to see today. Everyone enjoy your community and love thy neighbor....

20. Reply to #8, Associations mostly are dictators, i was a condo owner and there were 2 brothers in 2 different units out of 12, they sided with other elderly owners and bunched up on me , I was 45 at the time and it was really like hell ,they let another unit rent out when you were not suppose to, and I had my 2 older cats with me and I kept to myself and never mentioned cats and one thing lead to another and there were all kinds of threats and just nasty people, I just don't respect older people like I use to, some can be very bad til the end. Anyway the 2 brothers would get other condo owners to side with them when other people were breaking rules worse than me, bottom lone if they target you, look out!, and to this day I do not believe it was because of the cats, I am a very good and quiet person but I got pushed to the limit for no reasonable answer. I will not buy another condo again. They really are dictators and find people to take their sides and make you look bad. Sorry lady your wrong.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The times they are a changing. March Meeting

Deb or Carole not present

George's pet project of cars and snow was on the agenda. He thinks that peoples garages are full of "junk" and that they park outside. He want's all cars towed for violation of the rules regarding snow. I guess he's right but it's a little late now. They concluded that next year they will mail reminders regarding snow rules.

The thing that stands out with this group is that they are always focused on the problems, concerned about fines, and never spend one moment on continuous improvement for the future. No one ever sat back and said "lets discuss where we want to be in the next 5 years". Instead, they seem to be in a continuous unproductive negotiation mode. This is probably because they don't want to spend the time on forward looking projects. If there is no desire to spend time on the 5 year goal, then a separate group of people should be envoked to work on these goals and present them to board members.

For me, a magic wand would produce an area with wireless internet for all at a small cost which would create income for the people of the association, a package deal with Comcast for a group arrangement which would benefit RV3, A closed loop geothermal system for all to tap into, 6 percent per year for assessment late fees per our legal covenant contract, a self operated management system which would pay for a full time employee at the same cost as our current charges, Internet posting of minutes, newsletters and other pertenant detail and a job description/requirements for people on the board.

A board willing to at least evaluate the new technologies would go a long way into the goal of improving RV3. As Deming pointed out, only 15% of your goal requires attention. The remaining requirements simply flow into place.

I look forward to using this web site as a tool for RV3.