Saturday, October 20, 2007

The blunders persist.

Everyone now has a new payment book. You will notice two items which disregard your legally binding covenant rules:

First is that you are charged after the 15th. Your legal agreement with RV3 states the following regarding nonpayment of assessments: ref article IV Section 8

"Any assessment not paid within 30 days after due date shall bear interest...."

Second, the charge for late fee is $20.00 which equates to around 144 percent per anum. Your legal agreement with RV3 states the following regarding interest for nonpayment: ref article IV Section 8

"Shall bear interest from the due date at the rate of 6% per anum"

You can download your covenant agreement at the following address:

Looks like we have hired another management company with total disregard for the legally binding agreement that the owners have with the association known as Riverview Third.

I have requested another payment book that is to be in concert with my Covenant Agreement.