Declaration of Covenants.pdf (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD)the consequence is that you are charged 6 percent per year. That turns out to be 1/2 of a percent per month. In our case, since we pay $149, you should be charged about 74 cents per month. Our association charges you $20 per month. This is 165 percent per year. People have gone to jail for less extortion than that. In fact, I think Wells Fargo would be shut down for those rates. The reason they [Banks] don't charge those rates is because of the law.
Why would Wells charge you 6% for $150,000 loan and Riverview charge 165% for 150 bucks? No one has ever explained to the board that this is wrong. Excuse me, if they did, the board took no notice.
The practice of charging you a fee for [say driveway] problems, and not performing the repairs is illegal and against the covenants. Don't pay them. The worst that can happen is that you have to spend $60 to file suit in
It's time for some board members to take a rest from their duties and let some fresh open minded people take over the privileged duties of serving. We have people on the board that have served through almost 12 years. One in particular has been there since Moby Dick was a minnow.
I know how I'm viewed. I'm "lawsuit" guy but I was correct and the abuse has to stop. In fact you would all be well served if I was on the board. Honesty, Integrity and concern for the rules would be the focal points. I don't like to see people abused. I spent my time and effort for a $210 court case. I don't need the money. I wanted the abuse to stop. This has been instrumental in making the board sit up and think. They still don't know what to do and they simply wish I would go away so they could be comfortable again.
I'm not going away and while I have 2 eyes, at least one of them will be focused on Riverview.
I will report on the next meeting which will be held on Monday July 31st. At least the knowledge of my reporting will enable the members to think before getting into a whip cracking session.