Here we are into week three after asking the question "please provide me with justification for paying $250 for Carol's time. The management company has explained to me that they are too busy to deal with this and have other important issues to deal with. I kinda wonder about that when I find out that the management company are spending time sending emails to other members and asking them to contact me because I'm getting out of line. The suggestion was that this blog has half truthes. Interesting that they send emails behind my back but don't bother to point out any half truthes to me so they can be fixed. The fact is. All items on this blog are the truth. Any opinions are mine built with input from Meetings with the board, neighbor discussions and experiences.
I have a great idea: Why not simply answer the question and then you won't have to spend any more time on this.
I can help. There are only 3 answers to the question. Any one will work for me. Here they are:
1. We don't have an answer really. The board just picked a number out of the air and there it was.
2. We do have an answer. Carols time off work cost her about $230.00 for the day and the rest is for expenses such as mileage etc.
3. We are not going to answer the question.
Above all, the management company needs to understand that a members questions are supposed to be answered. That happens to be state law. These questions are taking the same path as last time. In that case, it took about 4 months to get answers. The answers were really not satisfactory. Of course when one is trying to dodge an issue, one tends to dodge the questions. I understand that.
Regarding time spend on associations, maybe our management company has too many accounts. I wonder if anyone on the board ever asked the question: "how many accounts do you take care of?", or "how many hours do you spend on our account?".
The management suggests that in order to make change, one should run for a position on the board. Oh really, That seems to suggest that while the current members are on the board, there will be no change. I do tend to agree with that but the problem with working for the "board" is that one puts oneself in a poison pot. Who would want to do that. I would suggest that the board members who have served too long remove themselves from the positions and open up the seats. People will be more inclined to volunteer when that happens. These particular incumbent board members are the cause of lost law suits, arguments, yelling matches and general unrest in the community.
A quick chat with a previous board member said it all "I had to get out. It was driving me nuts"