It's really interesting that Carol Ebsen made note in past meetings that the board made a motion to pay her $250.00. In fact this was explained to Judge Connolly. It seems that the board simply came up with a figure of $250.00 for her day in court.
At this months meeting, Carol Ebsen showed the board members a note from her employer (Apparently her status has changed from an owner of a business to an employee. Another flip flop). This letter apparently substantiated that she makes $250 per day which exactly matches the amount that the board decided to pay her! Now was this just luck that the board members came up with the figure that she apparently makes? Not likely. I can't imagine that anyone would think that $250 per day (cash) would be acceptable to pay Carol Ebsen who lost her fight in court. Not even New Concepts Management Group charged for their loss in court.
The flip flop of details abound. First she said that the board simply decided to pay her $250.00. Then in her news letter, she stated that she "charged appropriately" Now she tries to substantiate her income with a letter. If we go to court for none compliance, she may be required to present her tax documentation to substantiate her income since a letter will not suffice.
It is about time that the other board members started thinking for themselves. Realize that I have been correct all along and get over their losses in court. It's time to start managing and stop fighting. When you are wrong, you are wrong. The only reason that court action has been invoked is because of the lack of thoughtful dialog with members (yes me). They finally found someone who will stand up to them and they are not used to that. Now for the most part, the board members hate me (I'm ok with that since they hate me because I'm right) and don't care to indulge in dialog.
This kind of attitude leads to court action.
The solidarity of the board members, to me, smells of protection. Board members are there to enable the enjoyment of members, assure good health and maintain properties. In my opinion, they have no idea about health issues. I realized this after listening to them tell an owner with a 4 year old girl to put masking tape over the window where the mold was to stop the water coming in. What a disgrace.
They have no idea about enjoyment since they have fought tooth and nail to try to maintain an illusion of doing nothing wrong. What a disgrace
They have no idea about maintenance, since they only have around $400 per home for maintenance, they have condemned decks, poor asphalt with weeds growing out of cracks and not enough money to meet maintenance requirements. What a disgrace.
Not everyone on the board is a culprit of the errors. Mainly the one's who have served on and off for 15 years and think that they own everyone. It is however time that the quiet ones started to speak up and express their feelings. The losses in court reflect on everyone who voted for the illegal activities which resulted in court action.