Pat = 36 votes
Dennis Frank = 47 votes
Christine Drum = 45 votes
There were lots of Proxies so I guess that the board members were busy collecting over the holidays.
I voted for everyone except Pat since my objective is to change the face of the board. Congratulations Christine and Dennis.
So the good news is that 2 board members are gone and the other good news is that I'm not on the board. Had I won, It really would have been a big fight since they don't want to serve, they want to dictate. This won't change the pressure I will be applying on the board and I do believe that I can be even more influential in my current role
I know that Christine has read the covenants and that she will be able to hold her own as an independant thinker.
The only other notable issue was Al Dittbrenner letting a home owner know that if she replaces the outside light, they would reimburse her for the light. I guess he doesn't understand that the lady he was addressing was not an electrician and probably could not rplace the light.
A townhome association is supposed to be for people who don't want to mess with the outside of the building and go buy lights. That seems to me to be the job of the association who take fees everymonth for maintenance.
We'll report on the next meeting and the progress with lawsuits.